PiS talks about universal 5G, fiber optics for everyone and supporting the gaming industry

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The plans of the ruling camp within the 5G network are talked out loud. Meanwhile, this is not their only circle of interest. In the election program you can find a reference to the distribution of fiber optic infrastructure or even a topic related to games.

5G with rapid development

The requirements of the European Union assume that by 2020 at least one large city in each member country had 5G coverage. The ministry believes that the deadline is realistic and that it will be met, although the regulations still do not make it easier. PiS goes even further in its election program. As we read:

"We assume that as early as 2020, two cities in Poland and by the end of 2023 will operate a 5G network in most cities."

In addition, it emphasizes the role of domestic enterprises on the way to implementing 5G. It is strange, however, that the entire 5G infrastructure provided by one company is looked after.

"Due to the fundamental importance of the 5G network for your IT security, we will lead to a situation in which a Polish company will control the network. At this stage, we do not prejudge what the company will be. "

Wired infrastructure for schools, community centers and volunteer fire departments

A lot of people are negative about 5G due to neglected wired infrastructure. In larger cities it is not a problem, but villages and small towns do not have universal access to fiber optic Internet. In medium and small cities it also happens that it occurs, but it is noticeably limited. The party announces that

"By the end of 2020, all schools in Poland will have access to fast, secure and state-funded Internet as part of the Open Educational Network. (…) We will connect all Municipal Cultural Centers to the fiber optic network (…) We will also connect all Volunteer Fire Brigades to the network. "

In addition to physical connection, there is also talk of equipping culture centers with computer equipment and launching a network of digital education centers.

Strong expansion of fiber optic access for residents

And what about access for residents in their homes, not state institutions? PiS has a very bold plan also in this topic.

"(…) we are implementing the largest broadband network program in the EU (and recognized by the European Commission). As a result of already implemented investments (worth over PLN 6 billion), 2 million farms, mainly from rural areas and small towns, will have access to fast Internet. "

Although the role of the operators themselves is not forgotten, they also develop the network on their own. However, the final plan is much more ambitious.

"Another million are connected as part of the own investments of telecommunications operators. Our task is to bring optical fiber to every building in Poland. By creating a Broadband Fund, it will be possible, for example, to finance the construction and development of telecommunications networks. "

Each building in Poland (which is probably understood as leading the fiber optic line around each plot, connection is after all an individual matter of each owner of the property and buildings) is an extremely high bar. Infrastructure on such a scale would then be more extensive than the current traditional telephone connections, which were implemented for many years.

Help the video game industry and other creative industries

The last topic is supporting the development of the creative industry. The creation of the Polish Center for Creative Economy is planned, and yet video games are one of the branches of the creative industries. The next part of the electoral program refers to this, although we do not have any particulars in it.

"The next planned action will be the creation of a Video Game Center, which will contribute to strengthening the positive image of the Polish video game industry as a dynamically developing branch of economy and culture."

Source: pis.org.pl

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Tags: fiber, gaming, industry, optics, PiS, supporting, talks, universal